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L I., II., IV., V.

2015   I   paper, foil   I   25,3 x 25,3 x 4,5 cm

„Egyetlen ismeret van, a többi csak toldás: Alattad a föld, fölötted az ég, benned a létra.”        

                                                                                                                                                  Weöres Sándor

The ladder connects the Sky and Earth; it is the fundamental and most common symbol of the rise of the soul, one's developement in real values. It represents the different levels of evolving and the possibility to move both up and down.

This series captures lives in boxes. It is the mapping of the opportunities, broadenings, narrowings, stagnations and reorientations on our pathes.

L. VI.

2020   I   aluminium, foil   I   24 x 24 x 7,5 cm

L.o. I., II., III.

2016   I   metal, foil, plywood   I   100 x d:28 cm

L.o. IV., V., VI.

2016   I   metal, foil, plywood   I   100 x d:28 cm

L.o. VII.

2016   I   metal, foil, plywood   I   100 x d:28 cm


2020   I   aluminium, glas   I   40 x d:20 cm

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